Enough With the Fat Shaming Already

Trigger Warning: Jillian Michaels, Fat Shaming, and Rebecca’s Frustrations with it all









I don't like to call people out directly, typically, as each of us deserves respect. 

But, and this is a big one, not today. Today I am tired, frustrated, disappointed, and frankly, disgusted by the words of someone who COULD use their platform to influence positive change. Instead, this individual continuously and repeatedly uses their platform to fat shame, judge, and spew harmful rhetoric. 

And that someone is Jillian Michaels. 

This woman has publicly done so much harm, to so many people, enough is enough. 

This isn't sour grapes, it comes from a place of concern. 

Concern for the people I work with, who are trying to unlearn the damaging beliefs promoted by diet culture, and perpetuated by people like Jillian. 

Concern for young people, who are trying to figure out how to have a relationship with food and self.

Concern for people in larger bodies, who are made to question their worth. 

Concern for people in over-worked bodies, who have an unhealthy relationship with exersize. 

Concern for each of us; concern for all of us. 

And, don't take my word for it, take Jillian's. 

Here are some direct quotes:

“Unless you faint, puke or die, keep walking!” 

“I don’t care if people die on this floor. You better die looking good.”

“I’m proud that I made him vomit.”

“If you don’t run I will pull Alex on the floor and I will break every bone in his body!”

“I don’t care if one of your legs fall off or if one of your lungs explode.”

“The only way you’re coming off this damn treadmill is if you die on it!” 

“It’s fun watching other people suffer like that.”

How are any of these statements helpful? To anyone??! What message is actually being promoted? 

Those of us who have/do struggle with our relationship with food, exersize, weight, shape, self have enough work to do on a daily basis to block out this toxic noise. To be clear, YOUR BODY IS NOT THE PROBLEM. Our perception of our body may be distorted, no thanks to garbage like this. 

Weight is a poor indicator of health, and punishing your body, or pushing it to the extreme is NOT HEALTHY. If your pursuit of health is so extreme, scary, rigid, or restrictive, the costs far out way the benefit. 

Health is multi-faceted, and perhaps that is the piece Jillian forgets, or is unaware of. And any person who makes you feel bad about yourself or question your worth in the name of HEALTH is not your friend. 

So Jillian, if I could share some advice from someone who lost a vast amount of time to an eating disorder, listening to people like you speak about health as if you are the expert, just stop. Please. If you truly want to positively impact lives, try some compassion, patience, and understanding. 

Celebrating ALL bodies, regardless of shape and size is RESPECTFUL. And we all deserve that, at the very least. 

Oh, and leave Lizzo and her fabulous female form alone. We love her. 
