If we follow the pillars, we will develop a balanced way of eating that provides adequate nourishment and pleasure, and gently move us away from measuring, calculating, and feeling guilty or deprived.
How To Stay Motivated When You Fell Like Giving Up
Layer by layer, you peel back parts of you, to explore and shine light into. And, right there waiting, is another layer. Whether you're looking for one or not. Sometimes it's exhausting. Motivation will ebb and flow - so how can you maintain your journey, your recovery, when you are not feeling motivated?
Warmer Weather, Summer Clothes, Body Checking
Training, Fuelling, and Resting. Diet culture promotes none of the pillars of performance.
Diet and Exercise During Quarantine
Don’t listen to the noise; not eating enough and over-exercising are highly correlated with poor health outcomes. They place unnecessary stress on our mental, physical, and emotional well-being, at especially during this time of stress, the majority of us need to practice limiting stressors in other areas to safeguard our overall health and wellbeing during quarantine.
19 Physical Symptoms of Anxiety
A real game changer in my healing has been understanding how anxiety can present in my physical body, giving me valuable information to understand and address what is going on inside me. I have always been aware of shortness of breath, feeling tense or irritable, but read on to learn the other ways that anxiety can show up.