Summer S.O.S.

As the weather gets warmer, we ditch our heavy coats and sweaters for shorts and t-shirts, with this exposure, many experience heightened body insecurity. 

If this is how you are feeling, you're not alone! 45% of men and 90% of women report feelings of body dissatisfaction according to the  National Eating Disorder Association.

Body dissatisfaction has the potential to rob us of enjoying the warm weather, but there are practical tips that can be used to push back. 

1. Engage in positive body talk. Replace negative statements such as "fat talk" "I really need to lose some weight" I am not wearing shorts until I tone up", "I am working on my summer body" with positive statements like "I am strong", "I respect my body", "I appreciate what my body can do."

2. Write out positive body statements and strategically place them where you would see them (e.g. in your car, on your phone, in your bathroom) as a reminder to engage in positive body talk.

3. Focus on what your body can do, appreciate what you are able to do with your body and enjoy being active.

4. Find clothes that you feel comfortable in. Choose clothing that doesn't make you aware of your physical self. Take inventory of your summer wear, and get rid of anything that doesn't make you feel great. 

5. Unfollow social media that promotes negative body talk or makes you feel bad about yourself.

6. Stop body checking! Limit your time in front of mirrors. If you have a full length mirror, consider getting rid of it. 

7. Surround yourself with positive influences, people who make you feel good about yourself and spend time in places that you feel comfortable.  

8. Don't engage in the diet culture. Be an advocate and encourage others to also ditch the diet mentality. 

Remember, healthy and happy bodies come in all shapes and sizes. 

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