We are so excited to announce our limited VIRTUAL GROUP series.
Quarantine has left many of us feeling isolated, disconnected, or lonely, and we want to bridge that gap.
Each month, we will be discussing a specific topic, which will be announced prior to the group so that you each have the opportunity to decide what might be most beneficial, or interesting, to you.
TIME: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
TOPIC: Grief and Loss
Rebecca Rechtorik, Recovery Coach
Amanda Wybrow
Professionally, I have a Social Work background with a focus on Anti-Oppressive Practice. Personally, I have 30 years of lived experience with depression, anxiety, eating disorders and post traumatic stress disorder. I have been a part of inpatient and outpatient psychiatric programs and treatment centers as well as community support services. I am committed to my recovery and building a meaningful life despite my mental health challenges. I am a wife, a mother and identify as a lesbian. My pronouns are she/her.
Pre-registration required, as space is limited